Where Are You, Christmas?

And this is a Deck the Hallmark podcast synopsis!

"Where Are You, Christmas?" originally aired October 21st, 2023. And it went a little something like this...

Addy is a hot shot marketing executive and despite the product she's working on, she is way over Christmas. But when she gets a call from her brother that he's going to propose to his girlfriend on Christmas Eve, she cancels her yearly Christmas trip to the Maldives and heads home for Christmas.


She's avoided Red Lake Falls for the past 6 years because a person can only handle so much Christmas and Red Lake Falls is just wayyyyy toooo much. She gets home and immediately tries to sit down and do work emails but her mom isn't having it. She gives her a list of things to go do around town and sends her on her way.

She is greeted by literally everyone in the town and then runs into car issues. She rolls into the mechanic's and is greeted by a hunk named Hunter. He's like, "the car sounds fine to me but bring it back tomorrow and I'll take a gander".

She makes it home and finally sees her dad and he's just kind of weird and is like, "we'll catch up later," and then gives a passive aggressive toast followed by many passive aggressive jabs and Addy is clearly annoyed and goes to sleep.

The next day, she is frustrated her mom wants her to go get another Christmas tree and hears a Santa voice on her phone asking for Christmas wishes and she then drops her phone and breaks it. She's mad and she says out loud "sometimes I wish there was no Christmas..." There's then some wild thunder - thunder snow. But that doesn't stop her from getting in her car and skidding into a snow bank.

She wakes up and it's black and white and Hunter is there and she faints.

She wakes up and she's in Hunters tow truck. When they roll up to the house she's like, "where are all the Christmas decorations" and he's like, "the what?" But there's no time - she heads inside and her parents have no idea what Christmas is. She's like, "man I must be rattled from the crash - I'm gonna go lay down."

The next day, nothing is better! Still black and white and her parents are like, "we have new years movies to watch!" So she heads out on the town to see the doctor and find some Christmas and it's bad - no Christmas, everyone is sad and grumpy - it's bad out there.

She goes to the garage to give Hunter back his ring that she found in the car. When she hands it to him, he is flooded with a memory of his grandpa giving him his ring one year and then he remembers Christmas and he turns to color and I'm just over here FREAKING OUT!!!

He's like, "whoa why is everything in black and white?!" And she's like, "I dunno but I gotta fix this!" And super weird but she's also still in black and white. She's like, "I don't know why but I have to help people remember Christmas like you do!" So she heads out on the town, singing Christmas carols and what not, but it's not working! No one remembers any of this!

So she goes to look for Christmas decorations in the attic but nothing. She then wonders out loud to herself...."WHERE ARE YOU CHRISTMAS?!"

She then remembers the wish she made and she realizes that unless she fixes this before Christmas, this wish will stick forever!

So he (Hunter) agrees to go outside with her tomorrow and see if her plan of seeing his Christmas spirit will remind other people will work.  So the next day she shows up and he is real bundled up so he doesn't stick out as much. They go first to the teacher who typically does the Christmas pageant and they hand her a sweater, he shows off his skin, and she immediately believes and gets her color back! She is now on the mission too to get people to believe!

Hunter, filled with Christmas spirit, is like, "I gotta get a tree for my house!" So they go and cut one down and put it in his house and his whole house turns to color! Then she gives her mom and ornament and she remembers! IT'S HAPPENING!

And as you remember, Christmas begins to show up - decorations in the attic, etc. It doesn't take long for the color to begin to spread - people are telling people who are telling people! The magic of Christmas!

But the black and white folks don't like this. The mayor puts a ban on public decorations of any sort and Addy's dad is Pee'd right the O off. She finally has a heart-to-heart with him - he talks about how he's afraid of all the. change and doesn't know how he fits into his busy life in more. She says that no matter if we stay black and white forever, what you'll always be my dad!

They go to the Christmas pageant and watch her brother propose and they're happy but Addy and dad are still black and white. Will anything work?! Answer: Yes.

Her dad goes up to be recognized for his charity work and it works - he's in color! It's now just Addy. The Santa app pops up and is like, "last chance for wishes," and she says she wishes she knew why she was the only one in black and white. Just then, Hunter shows up and asks her to go on a walk - he tells her he fixed her car and that no matter what she looks like, she'll always be beautiful to him. They end up kissing......no color. She's disappointed. She thought it would work! She's mad and is like, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I EVEN KISSED YOU AND IT DIDN'T WORK". Needless to say, that didn't go well.

She gets in her car and tries to leave Red Lake Falls but she can't! She keeps like, teleporting out! She gets so mad and throws her phone out the window. She has another heart-to-heart with dad and he tells her that she has to stop doing things cuz she feels like she has to and do things that she actually wants to do. So she goes to talk to Hunter and make things right. "Where are you Christmas" starts to play and they kiss for real and her color comes back! The song freakin' jams so hard and he's like, "I'd love to come to Chicago," and they kiss some MORE!

And that, my friends, was "Where Are You, Christmas?"

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And this is a Deck the Hallmark podcast synopsis!

"[movie title]" originally aired [TV air date]. And it went a little something like this...

We start off...

And that, my friends, was [Title]"

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